How banal.

May 26, 2008

This is my first real 'entry' for the current iteration of this web site. Welcome! I know what you're thinking. You're thinking 'But why aren't you doing one of the three hundred other things you have on your plate, instead of babbling over here on this useless thing?' Well to that I say feh, for this is my Venting Place, which is different than my Happy Place, but is almost as satisfying.

Unlike all of you horrible slackers, you see, I had to actually work today. Sure it's a national holiday, but as it turns out I am 'required personnel', so I am required to personnel when most other people are huffing glue or snorting bath salts or smoking crack or whatever else Americans are doing to actually make themselves dumber. And trust me, you people are doing a good job of it.

I know this because I talk to you, every day. Stupid Americans. I speak to hundreds and hundreds of different Americans every day, across a very wide array of the many and various states of this strange country. Typically my job brings me to the Deep South for these conversations, talking to rocket surgeons that only got that new fangled running water last week, and helping them turn off that new fire alarm of theirs.

Of course it's not just them that rankle me, but they're the ones I had to deal with today at work, so you get to hear about them. Tomorrow it'll probably be the over-medicated hippies on the West Coast, but that's for the Future to decide. Cursed dirty future, how I hate thee. I do believe I am owed a jet pack and a robotic vagina sidekick for my troubles, and yet you have not yet produced them.

But I digress. As is my wont.