Holy cow, I organized.

June 19, 2008

My Office!

It has taken me days and days, but I have managed to organize enough of my crap that i can actually see my carpet in approximately one half of my living space. Seriously, no foolin', and all that. What you're looking at here is the product of my work, or at least the view of the eventual office of the one and only Web Marketing Man Dot Com! Don't have the site up yet, as you can see. But the work space? Set.

I still have a metric crapton of toys and stuff but they're vaguely organized and themed there, so at least they're acting as decoration and not, you know, clutter. I am not showing you the other half of the place yet, as it is full of stuff yet to be sorted. A lot of mail and other toys and CDs and blah blah. But once I get that going I'll photo the other half for your general amusement as well.

Am I not lovely?

I have been working a lot on sorting out some of the dangly parts of my life here the last few weeks, thinking maybe, just maybe, this will help me to focus and get the web site mentioned above finally finished. I find I do tend to work better with less junk occupying my space, and with everything pretty-i-fied as it is right now, this will go a long way towards 'clearing' the air in my head.

I do have a long way to go, of course, but this is a good start. The pile I have remaining is much smaller, but it's a bit more dense, chronologically speaking, so I may be at it longer. I'm just happy to finally visibly see the fruits of days of labor revealing themselves. It means a lot to a person like me, who tends to get easily frustrated by the pace of, say, everything in life to date.

As a reward to myself for finally getting this far, I caved in and picked up some (okay, all) of the albums produced by the one and only Dr. Steel. My online cohort Siryn has introduced me to this fellow and I am well and truly hooked at the moment. You will be too, I am sure, purchase them as well. They totally don't have will-sapping alpha waves in them, nope nope.

Would I lie?
