Weird how that works.

June 19th, 2018

Watch where you step!

It's been quiet in the break room this year, especially after the MAGA honeymoon ended. Time was, I couldn't get near the joint without hearing some gibbering about how great things are going, how awesome it is that 'the liberals' were getting their panties in a bunch, and how much everybody seemed to want to wrap their lips around Cheeto Jesus' shriveled up cock.

Strangely enough, nobody at work wants to talk about how they gleefully voted for the guy currently engaging in crimes against humanity lately. Nobody here wants to admit that they are complicit in the work of a self-admitted rapist, blatantly ignorant bigot, and unashamed traitor who is doing everything he can to tear the country apart at the behest of his Russian handlers.

Someone more forgiving than I might think that, maybe, these barely animate shitpiles were slowly crawling out of their fascist information bubble. But I've been here almost six years now, and I know better. No, they're keeping quiet because they know that Combover Caligula isn't doing anything they can brag about without sounding like cut-rate Nazis from Central Casting.

Until then, all I'm hearing in the break room is crickets.