Alex Jones Lost the Info Wars

August 6th, 2018

Teabagger tantrum or baby Jedi? YOU DECIDE.

After an inordinate amount of time spent by activists repeatedly asking Big Media whether or not his terror campaign against the parents of mass shooting victims was against their terms of service, amongst various other odious acts, Apple was the first to finally answer that question - namely by booting Alex Jones and his vile conspiracy theory tripe from the iTunes store.

Like dominoes, social media sites followed suit, as Spotify, Facebook, and YouTube didn't want to look like they condoned, say, death threats against government officials. Thus Chunky Monkey, the man who inspired a crazed gunman to combat-assault a pizza parlor to uncover a child sex ring in their nonexistent basement, can now only spread his filth on his own sites.

Naturally, his followers took this in stride, knowing the Constitution guarantees both freedom of speech and association, including the ability of citizens and corporations to refrain from either. After all, they wouldn't want the government to force them to say things they found unpalatable, much less to support organizations they disagree with using their hard-earned money, right?

Ha ha, no, they completely lost their minds.

Within moments of their content no longer being transmitted by the above platforms, much less having the kibosh put on their Pinterest site, Alex Jones' lieutenants bleated all over Twitter about how they had been censored. Immediately after that, countless followers of Jones, who were similarly clueless about how the Constitution's free speech protections actually work, jumped off that cliff as well.

Normally supportive of the free market and despising government interference of any sort, these people were repeatedly calling on the government to force these companies to resume transmitting content they deemed too toxic for their bottom line. Some went so far as to claim that now is the time to nationalize these companies, to guarantee that their holy huckster could continue to weigh them down.

And this from so-called conservatives?