BathroomGate Continues
October 15th, 2018
A few days ago, I told the none of you who follow the Jerk about the incident in one of the men's restrooms at work. I mulled it over for a few days, talking to a couple people at work about it, to gauge their thoughts on the matter. Universally, to my complete lack of surprise, nobody was cool with the events I described. In fact, just about everyone else was similarly disgusted.
Thus, I took my concerns to my union representative. I made him explain to me what my expectation of privacy in the restroom was, and when he indicated what any sensible human being would, I detailed the sequence of events last Thursday that ultimately prompted me to have a little chat with him. I do believe that the proper description of both his expression and his reply was 'mortified'.
As such, he told me he was going to speak with the other union reps, to see if this has happened to anyone else. He said he wanted to do this to ensure that, if it had, he had a more solid case for filing a grievance against the company for the would-be toilet monitor's behavior. He'd have filed it with just my claim, of course, but that would make the offending party realize who was complaining more easily.
Mind you, if the perverted maintenance man could see me as well as I could see him as he made a leisurely, creepy stroll by my stall, he already knows who the aggrieved party was, but I am fine with biding my time. After all, if there's anything you should have picked up about me while reading the Jerk and its predecessors, it's that I can bide my time in the pursuit of vengeance, as long as I ultimately get it.
And I almost always get my revenge in the end.