More medically malcontent than before.

September 30, 2008

So the end of another month has rolled on by, and as it turns out I haven't done too well keeping with my Self Improvement Manifesto. What with the impending doom of Operation Six on my dick and all, some of my motivation is shot there. I just can't twist my arm into going to the gym knowing that, no matter how hard I work out, I'll lose the progress after three weeks being bedridden.

I've also sucked pretty hard when it comes to updating this site. Your source of unfiltered bile has suffered a bit with my generally being distracted, although in all honesty I have been working on stuff online. Consider it an affair of the two-fisted typist, but I have been grinding pretty fucking hard on the site that may actually make me money, Web Marketing Man Dot Com.

I have had a massive burst of inspiration, so I have gone to the trouble of completely finishing eleven of the twelve documents my original plan called for. Everything on that site is now covered, save for the one page on 'link relativity'. However, as it turns out I'm feeling the need to 'expand' the plan just a bit. I'm not going to overhaul fucking anything, though, so don't have kittens.

I'm just going to add moar pages.

I have at least three in mind. Which may come across as random crazy-person talk (which I suppose is the surface level impression one may get from reading the Third Person Exposition on the site to begin with) but it'll simply add to the whole search engine placement for it. And naturally, if I can make my own search engine marketing site dominate the search engines, I'm golden.

I want one of those Scrooge McDuck swimming pools full of gold coins so I can swim about in it, while occasionally fighting off super villains who want my hoard. Or at the very least, to have Google to come visit me bearing Corona and hand jobs. I figure one to go into my basic pricing structure to properly entice the doubtful to throw their exhortations in my general direction.

And yeah, exhortation is your Three Dollar Word Of The Day ™ today. And then, another with a 'resume' of sorts. Not a real resume, because I don't want to let them know I've been temping when the other jobs have dried up now and then (or you know, when I quit a job in a huff 'cause I had simply had enough broken bones for the shit pay they were giving me). And mebbe one more.

It was recommended to me in the past. Perhaps a 'what we won't do for you' type of page. Heh.

I think once that stuff is done, I'll be able to roll it out live. And then go about my business of introducing it to the search engines. Now I could just do the whole 'submission' thing and call it a day, but I'm going to take my own advice (which is on the one page I haven't actually written up yet, so use your psychic powers nao) and add some Link Relativity.

I'm stitching links to the site into my other sites (the ones here that go to the test page will go to the default once it's live), including even such esoteric things as my Yahoo! profile. Yes, I have one of those. For those of you in the unwashed masses who think I'm a luddite, I do have one of those. If you find yourself bored, drop me a line at Yahoo! I.D. denny_deluxe.

'Course, that's probably opening me up to all the right wing whack jobs I am sure I piss off on a regular basis, but that's what 'ignore' is for. Not that I mind telling people that they're fucking inbred retarded shit birds if they're so stupid to think that, for instance, there's a benevolent space fairy god father out there that will be nice to them while smiting their foes with hydrochloric acid.
