
March 4, 2009


So yesterday you may've found yourself wondering just why it is we felt the need to go Questing for huge amounts of candy bars. Well the answer is simply thus: to melt them! That's right, we set to and rendered a crap-ton of the Hershey's ™ candy bars into a liquid state, for nefarious purposes. Though I must admit we could've stopped there, as the molten chocolate soup was astoundingly good.

However, we did not! Having braved the wilds of the drug store and the subsequent taunting by Jesus ™ products and ensuing enraging process, I assisted ever so slightly in the manufacture of Chocolate Covered Awesome Cookies. I didn't do a lot of the work of course, particularly since the 'core' of the cookies, the sugar cookies below, were already done up a few days back. But man.

Those were a big bag of mmm. Molten Hershey ™ chocolate on top of sugar cookies is a big bag of hogod, and I loved every minute of it. We've been slowly devouring these things over the last few days and though there's just a few left, I have to say they're fucking amazing cookies. Om nom nom. The Cookie Monster ™ would be in love with these, and we'd have to fight to the death over them.

Cookies... om nom nom nom nom

You great big googley eyed carpet, you.

Yes, I love the Cookie Monster ™. And Oscar the Grouch ™. There's something to be said for muppets living in trash cans and dispensing twisted wisdom to kids who don't know better. Or riding high on a terminal sugar rush and knocking people over to get moar, Moar, MOAR. Ah, children's programming, how it used to actually be semi-amusing. At least it's not a guy running around in a giant purple dinosaur suit though.

I always wanted Barney to rampage and kill him some annoying little fuckers.

Shit, I've digressed horribly, haven't I? I suppose I have... ah well. But the point is, despite lacking a critical amount of caffeine since I've stopped drinking diet soda, and picked up 'only' drinking tea (aside from a Mexican ™ Coke ™ now and then), I still sometimes get to eat the good stuff. Well I suppose I do all the time, what with the sheer quality of the foodity awesome going on here.

But I mean sugar-wise. It's not like I'm on an actual diet... yet. Yet.