A sort of interlude.

November 11th, 2009

So yeah, I redid the site here. For all none of you who drop in to check it regularly, I mainly did away with the whole 'variable horizontal axis' thing, 'cause by doing so, I can a) ensure the site looks approximately like I want it to, and b) it's about 300x simpler to build css for. I'd been considering this for awhile, but it took me getting righteously pissed to push me over the edge.

Incidentally, Fuck You, Discover Card.

I'm not done yet, but I have the foundation set. I have to fine tune the imagery deal, which will once and for all fix the colors on the digits there (I know they've been royally fucked up since I switched over to the more recent iteration of the Color Changing Thingus ™, but never had the time to fix that.) I have done so on the Technohol 13 site, so I should manage this without too much heartache.

Which you know, is something I always say before I'm hip deep into bullshit.

I just have to fix that and resize all the images (it's clipping them at 980px as intended, but they're still at 1024 pixels in length; no CRITICAL thing but you know, perfectionist here. Bwa. Well I try anyway. But I just have to sort out the imagery and then repopulate the various colors here. I have ah, only got the black one running right now, as it was my test bed for the style overhaul.

I'll finagle the rest here soon enough, and re-enable color switchery.

So if you liked the site in blue or say the godawful yellow I built and can't ever seem to quite get looking like it isn't some sort of attempt to blind you, it'll be back here before you know it. But I had to get the 'root' of this going 'cause it was a good distraction from me pulling my hair out / punching something / running over old ladies in the street to blow off steam.

But the old ladies are always an option still.

For those of you that give a shit, it's November 11th. You know, 11/11. That don't mean shit for about 730 days yet, when the date will be 11/11/11, instead of 11/11/09, but I thought all you wackos that like to think that days like today are special somehow because you're a closet numerologist (as if the 'ology' makes it real science or some shit), I figured I'd mention that.

Though by the time you've likely read this, it's all over. Whoops.
