
January 16th, 2010

I've been in Ohio exactly one year as of today.

It's odd though, 'cause it doesn't really feel like I've been here a year. Which is a good sign, right? I've been co-habitating with the Sexy Other for exactly 365 days (as of two hours from now I guess), but it seems much shorter. I imagine that's a good sign, especially since we haven't taken a hatchet to each other or anything (not that I expect us to, mind you). But I think that's kinda cool.

Considering that all of my other Adventures in Dating had calamitous ends just a few weeks after they started (and don't get me going about the ex-es), I think we're doing pretty darn good. And I was originally just going to visit for a few weeks. Funny how that worked out, isn't it? I'm not complaining though, 'cause I do believe we clicked with each other pretty good - save for times when I'm oblivious and/or obtuse.

Which is... about 25% of the time?

I'm trying to be less cryptic though, and to not say stupid things. I never mean to say mean things - and I don't - but sometimes I'm trying to say one thing and then something else pops out of my fool mouth that doesn't match up with the tape running in my head. I think I'm doing rather well in that regard, though I do catch myself being an inadvertent jerk here and there, and I'm really trying to cut that out.

But what I'm trying to say is that I'm actually happy, so I'm glad this worked out for us so far. I suck at saying the sappy stuff so I'm not even going to try here. But hopefully I'll be here marveling about how lucky I am this same time next year, and the year after that, and so on. I'm betting on that, in fact. Unless I get murdered by random passersby possums or squirrel hordes or alligators that stalk the area...