Hate Mail 2!

July 28th 2010

Apparently, as it turned out, William Stanley took exception to my sharing his missive to me with the lot of you. Why, on the 13th he had to send a retort - I should check my mail more often, huh. And since it bothered him so much that I did so last time, I figured I should definitely go ahead and do it again. After all, he's so annoyed by my web site that he has to keep reading it. Anyway, here's some more unedited fun:

You pride yourself in your self proclaimed "arrogance" when most people think you are an idiot. Your over zealousness caused you to waste 30minutes of your life on assumptions about me. Your predictability is laughable. While you should be online looking for jobs. You are ranting about me. You are such a genius you let me rent space in your head and life for free! Is that coherent enough for you to understand? Good luck to you. I hope you learned something positive from this. I would bet you haven't.

'I hope you learned something positive from this.'

Actually, I did. I learned that I can just keep ranting on this site, which is its intended purpose, and no matter how vexed some people get at me for doing so, they'll just keep reading it. It's like having a captive audience, a bunch of ya-hoos so wound up by the fact that someone has the temerity to disagree with them that they just have to keep screaming about it. But, more importantly, keep coming back for more.

At this rate I may have to put up an ad banner on the site, since people like William Stanley, ostensibly from Dayton Ohio, feels the need to regularly visit. And this is with me hardly updating it of late. Of course, he's not really reading what I put down in response to his inane string of words masquerading as English. He seems to think I am still looking for a job - when I specifically stated I have one.

Even if the start date is still on hold.

So I thank you, William Stanley. Once again you have given me a benchmark by which I can measure myself. It's nice to know that I can at least read a paragraph and actually comprehend what was said in it, as opposed to just spiraling off into some bile-filled torrent at the mere mention of my name. On the plus side, at least you didn't call me 'Chris' again. My friend Chris found that quite amusing. But anyway.

May you continue to 'life free', William Stanley. And keep reading! It's fulfilling to know I have your rapt attention.
