Editing equipment... failing fast...

February 9th, 2016

The belts on my Murder Restraining Contraption are close to snapping.

As you can see from the indicator to your right, I am beat. Not delirious as I have been recently, but not doing all that well, either. I settled in on my break to crank out some proofreading for a friend's project, but my concentration, already near fractured to begin with, is being shattered repeatedly by the teabaggers whining about something they imagined Hillary Clinton saying.

Every time I think that I'm a bit too bitter and jaded for my own good, and that I should try to aim for a bit more positivity in my life, I realize that my hate's got nothing on these bile-filled clods. I might get annoyed about this politician or that, but I don't devote my entire working day to whining about them and everything they stand for. But I suppose that's the catch, isn't it?

Though there are a few exceptions, most of my coworkers can't be bothered to actually, you know, work. Which is probably why the suits are always bugging me to do whatever needs doing, because nobody else is willing to get on anything in a timely fashion. Or at all. So I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the teabaggers won't stop crying about Democrats - it beats doing actual work, right?

This is just a microcosm of the dysfunction in our nation, the end game that decades of movement conservatism has been working towards. You make the government seem completely useless, primarily by making it completely useless yourselves, and then flip over the table entirely. People are so happy to have something done that they don't mind the fact that you're a complete fascist.

Which is another reason you may have been noticing the corrosion of balance in the media the last couple of decades. The corporations are bankrolling this effort, because they think that somehow buying the government means that they can continue to squeeze money out of the country, without actually having to help build it. But the flaw in this thinking is that someone's got to do the dirty work.

And people aren't going to put up with not being paid a living wage in order to build the infrastructure corporations need to crap all over them. But once again, things just aren't bad enough. The country isn't falling apart enough, and people aren't eating cadmium-laced pet food in order to survive enough. The whole debacle in Flint just isn't horrible enough. So now we sit and wait for more dead Americans.

A lot more. A couple thousand Americans killed in useless wars far, away from our shores isn't enough to wake the country up. Not anymore. No, we need a lot of people to die right here, within our borders, before we'll finally wise up as a nation and send these villains, and what they're selling, packing. That's both the great strength, and great weakness of America, when you get down to it.

We're intransigent. This helps us do a whole lot of great things, both for ourselves and the world at large. But at the same time, it helps us stick to pigheaded ideas that have no basis in reality, no matter how much evidence to the contrary is provided. Heck, even I fall into this trap all too easily, now and then. The only difference between me and my teabagger coworkers is that it doesn't hurt others.

I try to limit my destruction to self-destruction, thank you very much.
