
March 27th, 2016

Word, yo.

So as I sit here at work, while the rest of the planet is apparently enjoying a day off to steal rabbit eggs away from zombie demigods, I am running afoul of a problem that I have been dreading since the advent of the 'cloud'. You see, when we first got these wonderful laplets (laptops that can convert into tablets, for the lack of a better term), they came with a free copy of Office ™.

This is handy, because I do a lot of writing on this computational device, and if anything else Word is excellent for spellchecking. Yes, I know how to spell, and I usually read through what I write before I go 'live' with it, but still. I like my robotic overlords to look over my shoulder to ensure my foolish, fleshy brain hasn't made any errors that I've managed to gloss over. It does happen.

My problem (or probm, depending) is that Office just told me that my free subscription to its digital service has expired. It's gone, dead, kaput. I'd just renew the thing with the luscious, ludicrous check that I'm going to get Friday, after working all of this overtime, but I have other plans for those cash moneys. I'll have to see if I can pick up 'just' Word ™, or if I'll eventually buy Office outright.

Which kind of blows, since the small amount of money I've been saving each week is dedicated to a completely different software package, one that I've been wanting to acquire legally since what, 1998? And it's not cheap, either, so that's why I'll be saving up for it for a very, very long time. The only difficulty there is that they, too, have gone with a 'cloud' model for their software.

But they do state on their web site that they'll still sell me the last non-cloud version of it. I'm sure after their attempts to upsell me to a transient variation on their software ultimately fail, but you know. Someday, I will finally have all the digital tools, permanently on hand, to achieve all of my nerdy goals. And with all my overtime finally fading, maybe I can actually work on that stuff.

For a little while, at any rate.
