Antisocial media.

April 3rd, 2016

It's time that I step back from 'social' media again.

The brain is working just fine. Almost too fine, in fact. Which is probably why the crushing headaches have resumed.

I am finding, as I increasingly recover from my overwhelming stint of overtime, that I'm feeling more coherent. I'm not in a perpetual haze from moment to moment, or even from day to day, which is ostensibly a good thing. However, as I become better aware of my surroundings, I am noticing more and more things in my environment - which isn't as good as it would at first sound.

You see, I can't help but notice the subtle digs certain people have been making at me for some reason or another, which is odd because I've been nothing but decent to them for as long as I knew them. Although I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, because a lot of these people hadn't exactly returned the favor over the years, if memory serves. And it does, because again, more coherent.

So yes, I'm going to back away from this stuff anew, I believe. I already feel my mind drifting to dark places of late, thus walking away from some of these apparent douchebags is probably for the best. Oh sure, I'll still post links to obnoxious things on my Twitter, which will of course feed automagically back into my Facebook, but I am going to curtail my interactions with supposed humans.

It's for their own safety, I assure you.