A mighty burger was he, but he were no match for the bottomless pit of despair within me.

April 16th, 2016

Not euphemistic, no sir.

I like to think that Saturday was a pretty good day. The two of us got out of the house and actually went to do things, as opposed to just hanging out and depressurizing over the weekend, after all. To start with, we wandered over to the nearby city of Columbus, Ohio. I qualify that Columbus is in Ohio because I think every state has a Columbus in it. Sort of like Springfield.

Which is actually closer to us than is Columbus, but still.

So we went to Columbus, in order to pick up some rabbit supplies for Crawford, and thus wound up at the Ohio House Rabbit Rescue. This is where we picked up Crawford, after all, so we like to buy our supplies for the little curmudgeon from there, if only to do our part for the wayward critters. That and Brenda got to visit with the bunnies for a bit, and that's always a good thing.

So, after that, the idea was we'd head to Earthfare ™, since the Earthfare ™ in Dayton closed down, due to the unfortunate opening of a nasty Whole Foods ™ nearby. The Earthfare ™ in Columbus is still chugging along just fine, it seems, so we made it a point to figure out where the heck the place was, and then headed over there after we spent an hour-ish socializing with anti-social bunnies.

And a few sociable ones, too, I suppose.

Calorie count: TILT.

Yes, even Denny got in some bunny time.

Anyhow, before we made our way there, we were waylaid! We found out that the Quaker Stake and Lube was near both the Rabbit Rescue and the Earthfare ™, so since I'd been wanting to try the place out forever, Brenda and I went ahead and did so. Before you whine about my whining about (and then subsequently breaking) my diet again, zip it. This was ultimately in the cards for years.

Though I initially pondered many cheese sticks as an appetizer, I ultimately settled on what you see here. This was a half pound burger, at least before half its weight in juices fled the scene of the culinary crime, topped with assorted vegetables and, awesomely enough, macaroni and cheese. While Brenda wasn't too impressed with the food, I thoroughly enjoyed the burger.

But I have a burger problem, as I think I've related before.

At the same time, though, it was said to me that the burger we had probably could've been had just about anywhere else, so we'll probably not make our way back to that joint again. Which is easier, I suppose, since the expansion they'd opened up a few miles from Yellow Springs ultimately folded just a few months ago. It'll keep me from going back twenty times trying to find the 'best' burger they have. Burger problem, remember?

What can I say, learning a lesson takes me a while, sometimes.
