Alas, poor Red Bull ™, I miss thee. You know, again.

April 28th, 2016

Pictured: what I did not drink today. Sigh.

Today is the first day that I will not imbibe any Red Bull ™ in a very, very long time. I have been pestered by numerous people to stop drinking the stuff for months, but having been working very long days while not getting much sleep at all, it was a veritable necessity. Something has to give, after all, if I'm going to have to concentrate while not resting enough to be functional.

Thus, better living through chemistry.

I'm having a particularly difficult time holding it together today, though. I did get plenty of sleep, but it apparently wasn't enough, what with my seemingly dying from some sort of plague or another, thanks to a particularly obnoxious coworker. On top of that, we just had one of those hour-long all hands company meetings where they talked about financials and business challenges and zzzzz

Was I talking? Sorry, I sort of forgot.

But yes, no Red Bull ™ today. I'm going to try and stay off it for the most part, at least in a regular capacity. I may allow myself to imbibe a can when I sit down to do a big bout of proofreading here over the weekend, assuming I manage to squeeze that in, but I'm going to stop sucking down a can every morning. And then one in the afternoon. Because maybe then I can finally get some peace.

Doubtful, of course, but I can dream.

I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I am doing a reasonably good job of eating better, but it's never enough. I always have to hear something from some meddling busybody at work, who has to chime in about 'how bad those things are for you', usually over a breakfast consisting of coffee and donuts. Because that's so much better for you, I guess. Stupid, meddling colostomy bags.

I guess unlike everyone else on earth, I'm not allowed any vices. Of course, if I actually manage to shake all of my vices, I'm sure people will start telling me that I have to live a little. Because nobody is ever happy, and always have to butt into business that isn't theirs. Why don't you just mainline your insulin while you eat that cake and zip it about my health situation, already.