The Yellow Springs Chicken Gang strikes again!

May 15th, 2016

The Yellow Springs Chicken Gang strikes again!

We ran afoul of the Yellow Springs Chicken Gang again today.


Punishment aside, I speak truth. Brenda and I were making our way home from a leisurely drive through town yesterday, the end cap of a bunch of errands we had to run, and we were debating how this house we were looking at was still somehow unsold. It is literally perfect, this house, which leads me to believe it must be infested with ghosts. Why else would it remain on the market?

Anyway, we were coming around the final bend to our current home, when a chicken lurched out into the road before us. Mind you, by lurched I mean slowly waddled into view, looked at us cock-eyed, and then ambled in front of the Fit ™. I stopped, since I was already driving incredibly slow for some reason, and just watched it take its sweet, sweet time crossing the road.

After about three minutes, it finally got its sorry self out of our way, and I prepared to drive off, when I saw his buddies. Apologies for neglecting to take another photo of the Yellow Springs Chicken Gang, hence my recycled one above, but there were four other chickens waiting for their friend to get its hustle on and meander away. That's right, the Yellow Springs Chicken Gang has grown!

Brenda believes they were once kept in a coop by some neighbor or another, but were abandoned to go feral for, uh, reasons. I cannot deny this possiblity, mostly because it makes sense, so I'm all right in assuming this was the case. But it seems like the Yellow Springs Chicken Gang is absorbing more members into its, uh, membership, which means it must be liberating other chickens.

That or there's simply that many feral chickens in town, and they're slowly assembling into an army! A delicious, delicious grass-fed army!