Give it moar drugs.

July 31, 2008

So I went to the doctor's office today to get a check up of sorts on the post-hernia state of my guts and apparently everything's fine. There's a strange 'knot' of sorts there, but he tells me that is because the space that was formerly filled with guts has now filled with fluid, and the new seal they installed is keeping it there.

I guess it will go away in time or somesuch. Which is good, 'cause I don't want to show off my newly sculpted belly button until it looks purty again. (cue pr0n music) But he tells me all is well in the world as long as I'm not in moar pain, and not leaking horrible fluids from any of the 3 holes he made in me. And I'm not, so I'm willing to call it good.

So since I was way out in mid-Omaha, I decided to run a crapton of errands that had been sort of percolating during the time I haven't been doing all that much, which entailed me getting lost on Dodge street. This is the main 'drag' in Omaha, for those of you that don't know. They recently rewired a section of it to have a sort of overpass over the regular street.

And I needed to get off on a street that used to go above Dodge but now is under it. So since the entire area was terraformed, I had no clue what I was doing and turned into 'that guy', you know, the one who seems to need to turn but doesn't bother being anywhere near where he's supposed to be to turn - it went from an offramp to a left turn. Whoops.

But luckily there weren't too many folks around to notice that. Or all the red lights I managed to run on the way from the doctor's office to Walgreens to get my refill on my painkillers. Which was probably a bad idea, what with me already driving like an idiot - while I wasn't on anything at the time, I'm sure my poor driving performance made it look like I was.

But when I got there, they asked me if, when I said to give me moar pills, if I wanted a refill on my cough syrup, too. Now this stuff is a doozy, it's just horrible tasting ooze that used to be better before they started charging for flavor at Walgreens, but it's cough syrup laced with codiene. I had some earlier in the year for pneumonia.

Yes, I really am falling apart. So what? But yeah, did I want more magic codiene juice? I simply said 'yessssss'. So yeah, now I've got pain pills (hydrocodone) plus magic cough syrup (codiene) which should be good for 'self medication', should I get one of my show stopping headaches and/or migraines. They're rare, but I still get 'em on occasion.

So this whole ordeal has its up side. Aside from not dying, That is.

High speed danger photography!

July 26, 2008

You are, in fact, on Candid Camera!

For a lack of anything particularly profound to gripe about - well, as much as usual at any rate - I present unto thee my High Speed, High Danger Photography Gallery! As I may or may not have mentioned by now, I have taken to carrying my camera with me everywhere, because I never know when I'm going to see something that just sets me off - in a good or bad way.

This first photo opportunity came up when I was leaving work one day and saw this fellow clogging up one of the two lanes on a particularly small road that leads to the main facility - right after it compresses from four to two. I was annoyed but dealt with it 'cause you know, I'm used to Nebraskans driving like they've got a corn cob wedged up their butt.

But I looked closely as I passed and saw him dozing, along with the sign on his van. So I whipped back, waited for traffic to clear both ways and went for it. With camera in hand, I slammed on my brakes opposite him on the road and snapped a few superfast pictures of him and the peppy sign on his van before the Sarpy County cops got their mitts on me, and breezed off.

Some Jesus Toasties just need to lay off the Meth.

My deal with the Sarpy County police is one of mutual hatred I think. I hate them because they're the most corrupt legal 'body' within six states, and used to have a habit of pulling over my uncles and beating the shit out of them because they 'didn't like them in high school'. My much more extended relatives had worse problems with them but eh.

They really are drug dealing scum and deserve whatever they get. And Sarpy hates me because I don't actually live in the county, but only work there. So since I make a point of not buying things there to not support their corrupt asses with my tax dollars, I'm doing my part to make sure they have to fib a bit more to get some ticket revenue in.

I hate dirty cops. So most cops, I suppose. One of these days I'll finally get off my behind and get my proper business going and won't have to work over there, and can give those yokels the proper send off. Well not really. The truly correct goodbye for those corrupt turds would involve a wood chipper, and really, I'm reserving that for other monsters entirely at this point.

This one explains itself, really.

But I digress. The whole point was I found the idea of Cox asking for your patience while they nap on the job and screw up your cable in the process kind of priceless. I am easily amused by incompetence, so that one struck a chord. Trust me, I know incompetence - I've had enough of that going for me in my life to see it on sight (I like to think I'm better now, though).

And here I thought I wouldn't be whining about anything - what the heck was I thinking? The second photo I took was one of those spontaneous deals where I just decided that something had to be documented. This being, of course, the ludicrous amount of ludicrous bumper stickers this toastie felt the need to plaster all over his or her car.

There should be some sort of ordinance regarding this kind of thing. I mean, since I'm not allowed to use ordnance on this brand of clown shoe, there ought to be something stopping them. I could swear laws were passed regarding those people with the 'baby on board' big yellow sticky signs on their windows because of the distraction inherent to them.

Too... Much... Caffiene...!

If common sense isn't going to stop them from plastering up their car with that garbage, perhaps it's time for the law to step in. And don't give me that whole 'freedom of speech' bullshit. Driving is a privilege, and there's nothing in the Constitution that guarantees you the right to drive. So if you want to drive, maybe, take some of that crap off your car?

Beh. Of course once you start some sort of drive like that all the Jesus whores get their panties in a bunch, possibly collectively, after pulling them up from the confessional floor, and cry about how they simply can't continue to practice their faith without having forty bumper stickers that rip off modern memes all over their stupid soccer mom-mobiles.

As for photograph 3? Do I really need to go into details on that one...?

The fourth wasn't all that remarkable I suppose, but it gives one the impression that they're engaging in just a bit too much vice - and that they're not telling us the whole story. Perhaps the person rigging up the sign was really really cold, after all - I mean, check out that snow! I took this waaay back last year - I think on the 29th of January, in fact.

Hey, say what you will about these guys, they put their money where their mouth is.

That's right, six months ago you were paying less than three dollars a gallon for gas. BLAM. But that isn't the point, of course (albeit a price point of discussion for another day, perhaps). I just got the feeling that this guy was juiced up on way too much caffiene for his own good when he was setting up this sign. Or maybe a lot of stuff.

Whacked out on nicotine, caffiene, drunk off his ass, yammering into his cellular phone and freezing his balls off - all at the same time. And trying really, really hard to find that last 'N' he dropped in the snow, maybe?

Last not least on my tour of the absurd and bizarre is, of course, a stop at the bastion of Omaha patriots, this curious gas station. I don't actually know what the place is called, but it's situated next to the Quik Trip about... 1/2 of a mile from my house, so I see it often. I don't get gas from them as often as I should, what with me usually hitting QT for a Diet Coke with my gas.

But they're still around. You may or may not have seen these folks briefly in the international press of all things, as they got big-time coverage on some British web sites when people started noticing them last year. Or early this year... I forget. But they're still putting their money where their mouth is, and that's something I can respect.

Agree or disagree with their methods or their advertising, at least they have the balls to put their own checkbooks on the line to make a Point.

Random Things 2

July 25, 2008

Some random things that come to mind.

* If you're one of the douchenozzles who thinks it's funny to start your answering machine message with 'Hello? Hey, I can barely hear you, speak up!', or 'Hey, this is (insert name of douchebag here), what's up?' or any other insipid variation on a theme, perhaps you should consider, I don't know, killing yourself. Because I talk to a lot of you daily.

And when I'm stuck listening to that insipidity while your house is on fire, I'm not calling the fire department.

* In a similar vein, I take issue with people who only leave their phone number on their answering machine as a supposed means of protecting their 'identity'. Yes, we know what your number is, and if we really wanted to steal your lousy identity, such as it is, we have tools to figure out what your name is anyway. Your cheap trick will not stop real criminals.

You may just delay them six seconds. And annoy them enough to buy dildos in your name.

* If you're all maudlin about your favorite online screen name being taken in a given environment, whether it be a video game or IM client, suck it up and think of something else. If you're so pathetic that you think you're clever because you went with xxx DEATHMONGER DELUXE xxx, don't consider killing yourself. Just do it. Jump in front of a train and make an ooey gooey mess of yourself.

Oh wait, too late. You're already a pathetic mess to start with.

* So a good friend of mine has sent me many books to keep me occupied whilst I am recovering from being blown up like a volleyball and having my intestines reinstalled back in their proper location. Yeah, that's basically the procedure I have endured - look up the whole hernia thing when you get a chance, and marvel at the Mad Science Horror I was subjected to.

And they're really good, I really must say. I have to adjust to reading all these 'Hellsing' books backwards but I think I've got it all worked out in my head. They're originally from Japan, you see, so they're from right to left. Pages, captions, frames, that kind of thing. Despite only having read two so far I can't help but recommend 'em enough.

Would I lie to you?

* I've been informed by other people that I talk to - mostly those that I work with - that my aggressive tendencies are a sign that I should seek 'professional help'. 'Normal people don't think about chainsawing other human beings just for being stupid', I am told. 'I don't know anyone else that actively thinks of new and creative ways of hurting people', they say.

Well that's silly, I say. Maybe if more people thought like I do there'd be less things going wrong with this country today. If you were of a mind to believe that say, maybe one in ten people you're talking to just might not have the patience to listen to your crap, and were more than happy to introduce you to a hand axe, there'd be less missionaries in the world.

Installments in this series (Random Things):
01 | 02

Bizarre Bondage Nurse.

July 24, 2008

Smile, darn it!

One of the more bizarre things revolving around the operation I had here on Wednesday (that being yesterday for you temporally challenged folk) was the nurse I had. She was a very nice lady, don't get me wrong. After all, I have absolutely no complaints about a person who can give me an IV without actually hurting me. I mean, I'm terribly scared of needles.

Yes, I am one of those people.

The odd thing was the whole time she was with me she engaged in 'aggressive positive reinforcement'. Every time I did something she asked or didn't freak out when she did something horrible to me she would respond with 'Good Job!' Well, not every single time. Once or twice, while the drugs were starting to take effect, I'm pretty sure she said 'Good Boy!'

Which, you know, sets off weird caution flags in me. Perhaps it's the particular brand of perverts that I am exposed to (not that perverts are all bad, by any means), but suddenly I started imagining her in one of those leather 'dominatrix' suits and cracking a whip, perhaps with me all chained up to the surgical bed thing. Which I sort of was, really.

Not with leather straps or chains but you know, with Medical Implements. That's one of those weird fantasies that a few people have as I understand it but... you know, I'm already drugged up and uneasy, so things started to get a bit surreal in my head. Things got even more odd when she pulled off my already revealing 'gown' thing and shaved me.

My brain already working in weird places, I couldn't help but watch with morbid curiosity as she took the razor thingie to my whole torso and rendered most of it ... not quite baby smooth but not horribly overgrown as it usually is. I had to feel it up once she was done, since I don't recall the last time I was not, in fact, hairy on my stomach.

I already have the fear about that, as I know from the last time I shaved some hair that I shouldn't that it's going to get horribly itchy all too soon. Yes, I made the mistake once of shaving the hair off my bits, and imagine my surprise a day or so later when it started growing back in. Oh, if only I had a jug of Nads to use on my, er, nads.

But I digress. I pretty much slowly went out cold a few moments after that, as they'd wheeled me into the operating room proper, and the Drug Man told me he was going to give me something to help me relax. Which I found amusing as I was already pretty relaxed at that point. I mean nodding off. The next thing I knew it was all over and I was in a recovery room.

All in all it went pretty smoothly, I guess. I am recovering nicely despite the horrible pain I feel every time I move. As a part of that I went to hop into the shower this morning and keeping the nurse's words in mind, I left the band-aids covering the holes they punched into me (sutures or whatever they are called, I am a doctor, y'know) on.

So I'm looking over me, and what do you know, I found someone had drawn smiley faces on my bare flesh whilst I was unconscious. This was one of those simple little punch lines to my day that simply made me stop to laugh. I mean it is pretty funny, or so I thought. Or maybe I'm just on way too much codiene to start with - or maybe it's a bit of both.

I have attempted to provide you a photograph of one of the smiles, but I am stoned, and taking 'clear' pictures is somewhat tricksy in my current state. You can sort of get the basic gist of it, however, and one friend of mine asked me if it was done while I was 'normal' or 'hyperinflated', so if the latter it could resolve Shrinkydink ™ style.

Sadly, the world may never know.

Undeath bed.

July 23, 2008

Mmm brainsss... Zombie Denny rises from the grave - beware, sucka!

Contrary to popular belief, I didn't die horribly on the operating table today, although it's hard to tell that from what I'm feeling right now. I am completely and utterly hopped up on the painkillers and yet, and yet. It's amazing how, despite being on dope, I can clearly feel every stabbing burst of pain coming from my 'core' when I move.

I swear, every single muscle in my body is tied into my abdominal wall. Abdominal. For some reason I keep wanting to say ABOMINABLE. Like unto the snowman. I'd like to say it's the drugs talking there but it might just be my own weird dyslexia coming into play. "Help, doctor, my abominable wall is killing me!" Something like that.

So you may ask yourself why the Hell I'm at the desk as opposed into the bed? Well, I have to pee like every hour it seems, so I keep waking up and going and figured this time, while I was up, I'd check my e mail and whatnot. And I find it easier to get in and out of this chair than to get in and out of my bed. Which blows, 'cause I want to sleep.

And, you know, heal.

So apparently the doctor took photos of my guts while I was out cold, with the camera he had inside me to show just what on earth was going on. It's sort of mortifying to see your innards all strung out and laying just where they're not supposed to be. But I also got to see the 'after' shot with the new deal holding them in place.

But on the plus side, the 'hard' part is over. Now I just get to lay around for the next eight days as things stitch themselves back up and I get back to 'normal'. Not sure what I'll be doing with myself just yet, as I'm not sure how I'll be healing - or how fast. So I may or may not be updating this thing in a haphazard fashion.

Which is, you know, totally different than the usual. Totally! But I'm trying to get better about talking in here daily, since it seems there's inexplicably more than three people actually reading this thing. Maybe it's random people finding me on Google somehow, I dunno. But, apparently a few people want to hear me ramble like a maniac about what I hate.

And since I hate everything, well.

Have I mentioned I hate the Space Nazi Super Pope?

July 21, 2008

Jumped Up Jesus on a Pogo Stick.

So the Space Nazi Pope says on his church's apparent international Youth Day, oh, by the way, sorry about all those pedophiles that we've fed, clothed, and shielded from legal action all these years. No, really, honestly. Didn't mean it, or something. Of course, nobody asks the Space Nazi Pope about his specific role in protecting the pervert whack jobs involved.

Oh yeah, and while he was at it, he made sure he took off his custom-made, incredibly expensive super Space Pope Secret Decoder Hat and made sure he left all the church's incredibly expensive solid gold gewgaws behind when he told people that YES, THE WORLD IS AN AMAZINGLY MATERIALISTIC PLACE AND YOU SIMPS SHOULD STOP BEING SO DARN GREEDY. I guess we're supposed to give our stuff to him instead?

Those Secret Decoder Pope Hats have got to cost a lot, after all.

But I'm not here to talk about that unflushed turd - not really. I'd meant to ramble on about something else entirely but you know, when I look into the stark face of a raving senile hypocrite I just start frothing and y'know, it's time to at least put my thoughts into words so they're not floating around in my head. I don't need to be furious about this at work.

I have completely different material to be vexed about at my job, and I don't need the senile, drooling ramblings of Pope Palpatine to get in my face while I'm being talked down to by a distressingly lisping Canadian man trying to insult me for not knowing how to use the already outdated software he's trying to teach me how to use. Think about that for a moment.

A condescending man with a stereotypical Canadian accent, save for the addition of an incomprehensible lisp, literally becoming exasperated with you because you don't know, how to use, the software, he hasn't told you how to use yet. Mull that over for a few minutes when you have the time, and pretend you aren't going to punch him when he tries to pronounce 'authorities'.

Combine the accent with the lisp and you have an idea.

I suppose normally I would let all of this douchebaggery roll off my back but it's a lot easier to dwell on stupid crap like this when it allows me to be completely distracted from the real life horror show that's about to ensue. I am going to be opened up on Wednesday, inflated like a volley ball, and have things inserted into my body. And not in the generally accepted, more pleasant manner.

So that gives me two days. One of which will be filled by a lisping condescending Canadian, the other probably in county lockup for first degree assault on the previous. I'm assured that this whole procedure is routine, despite all the Mad Science trappings involved, but I find myself growing more and more uneasy. Though perhaps the proper term is 'paralyzed with fear'.

They're my intestines!

O Hai Ku.

July 21, 2008

Lisping Canadians Suck,
I mean, WTF

Ads: You're Doing Them Wrong.

July 11, 2008

Quik Trip Advertisement.

One of the terrible side effects of the fact that, in theory, I work in the field of marketing is that I find myself looking at advertisements a lot more than I used to. Yes, in the previous post I noted various oddities regarding my 'official' job at a 'Major Metropolitan Security Company' (when I'm not bowing out to fight crime in my spandex pervert outfit), but astute readers will note that I do, in fact, have two jobs. Two!

And in keeping with weird, OCD symmerty, I present to you two ads that caught my eye, for completely opposite reasons. The first of these is one that made me stop and laugh for some irrational reason while I was filling up my car a while back. This had already become a painful experience even before $150 a barrel oil (it's not there yet but by God Iran's working hard to panic speculators enough to get it there), but that's not the point.

While grumbling about the price of my $3-something a gallon gas, I turned and saw this ad and simply cracked up. This is what I consider a 'good' ad. Sure I'm a captive audience at QT and it's not like I'm going to be changed any by the ad, but it was a good momentary distraction while I was already in their place and shelling out way too much money for gas to begin with. These days, anything that gives me a chuckle is more than worth the effort.

Now this abortion, on the other hand, is the kind of ad that attracts the wrong kind of attention from me. Strictly speaking, there is nothing in the definition of 'testimonial' that says someone selling you something can't be the one telling you how fucking awesome it is. However, it seems to me that this is completely off the wall stupid. If some random schmuck down the street loves your fucking meat (hur hur), that's one thing.

Bakers Advertisement.

I'm more inclined to listen to him tell me how unbelievable the damn steak is than the tubby clown that's actually trying to make me buy it. Sure, he may look like he's eating way too much of the stuff, but Christ on a Crutch this irks me. Am I supposed to cave in and buy Baker's steak because the lousy 'butcher' (probably a fake person; see Sony Movie Critics) tells me they're good? Well golly!

At this rate I should buy everything because the seller says it's awesome, and not because of any sort of recommendation from people that don't have anything to gain, save for you know, spreading the word about how great their meat is (hur hur). I can just start buying this used car because I didn't bother to check on what the salesman was actually shoving down my throat (hur hur). Screw you, Consumer Reports. Suck it, Kelly Blue Book.

I see the wave of the future and it is self-testimonials. I am going to have to sell my own company this way - mark my words. I'm going to buy pop-up ads that annoy and irritate that extoll you to GET YOUR WEBSITE MARKETING FROM ME BECAUSE I TELL YOU I AM BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE, YOU STUPID TWIT. Actually, now that I think of it, perhaps there is something to be said for completely insulting the intelligence of your potential clients.

It works for Baker's.

Random Things 1

July 10, 2008

Some random things that come to mind.

* So I am running late as it is and tear around the corner without signaling my turn - twice in a row, in fact, all one-handed because I'm holding a can of Monster drink in one and the wheel in the other. Shortly thereafter I am flagged down in the parking lot at work and a large, dangerous man looks down to me and smiles madly.

'Thank you for wearing your seat belt!' He then handed me candy and motioned me along. Am I the only person seeing something wrong here?

* More than 50 trillion solar electron neutrinos pass through the human body every second. Think about that for a moment.

* One of the both good and bad things about working at my job is that I get to talk to a wide variety of people from around the country; I'm not always trapped in the deep south after all. Of course, the flip side of that is when you are talking to someone and you simply can't pronounce their name correctly - particularly on an 'emergency' call.

I try my best but when someone's house is on fire I don't take the time to 'sound it out' several times beforehand. And naturally, this tends to vex people occasionally. But you know, when my family came to America a couple generations back, they changed their last name from a very German sounding word because hey, World War II was going on.

So don't get cranky with me when I can't pronounce Sanmugasundaram, for Marduk's sake.

* 'It was one of the stupidest things I've done in my life but it's no reason to take my kids.' Yes, yes it is. (link apparently broken)

* Speaking of really stupid things to do, I find myself toying with this horrible thing on my abdomen despite knowing better. I was told by a co-worker that our boss has something similar, and whenever it gives him a problem he 'pushes' it back in. I thought wow, that guy of all people has a hernia, and just shoves his intestines back in? And often?

So naturally I thought, if he could do it, why can't I? Let us just say that, yes, I have learned my lesson. And no, your intestines should not make a SPLORP sound.

* Looking at my assembled DVD shelf, I see I have way too many Pokémon discs.

* I am currently reading a 70s era collection of Thing stories. Well, only a few at a time but they're by the guy who gave us Howard the Duck, so you know they're out there. It's sort of a series of 'team ups' I guess, with the Thing and (insert someone else) each issue. A continous plot but non-stop guest stars. It's fun 70s chicanery, even if it was made when I was 5.

And how often do you get to hear the Thing talk about porn?

Installments in this series (Random Things):
01 | 02

Metered Intellect.

July 9, 2008

However compact your own personal storage area may be, I can't stress enough how important it is to keep your tubes of toothpaste in a different area than your tubes of personal lubricant. I know this because I haven't been sleeping lately, and it's all too easy to grab the incorrect tube and go to town before you realize just what it is you've done.

Hint: it doesn't taste good. No sir.

On that same tangent, I have been brushing my teeth lately with tooth paste that includes myrrh. MYRRH. I found this stuff at the local grocery store as an alternative for people who don't want an overdose of gub'ment mind control drugs (fluoride) just so their teeth don't fall out. Curious? Sample Tom's of Maine's tooth paste today!

And no, I'm not a fruitcake health nut, just so you know. But I am a fruitcake conspiracy theorist. At least I am according to people who think my take on fluoride is off. I mean c'mon, people have gotten stupider and stupider the last fifty years, and what has the government been pumping into your water supply? Although, it could just be my other theory bearing fruit.

And that is, of course, that there is only so much intelligence alloted to the human race. A finite amount of the stuff, and you jerks have used it all up. And with people dying slower than the slothful turds are crapping out fresh babies, no wonder the country is getting dumber and dumber. I blame the Catholics myself. 'Birth Control As A Sin', My Hairy Ass.

Yes, that's it, squirt out more and more kids, you useless third-world uneducated turds, and convert them to Catholicism so the Nazi Pope can anoint them even though he hates you for not being blonde and blue-eyed. No worries that you can't afford to feed them. Or give them clothes. You can always give them to the priesthood.

Nazi Pope requires more little boys.

Which reminds me of old Skinhead O'Connor, and how everyone had a complete conniption when she tore up the Pope's picture on national television. Not the current Space Nazi Super Pope but the previous one - you know, the Pole Pope. The one who actually convinced those backwards inbreeds that yes, they were wrong for killing Galileo.

Sorry about that, etc, etc.

Far be it from an actual organization with sway over the minds of so many gullible brain-fried turds to come clean and recognize that the world is not, in fact, flat by the year 2000. But then I suppose that's why we have Scientology. Where some con man makes up a religion, and is on tape saying so, and turns it into a machine that craps out pallets of money.

If you dummies had actually listened to the esteemed O'Connor back then, perhaps a few less of your young boys would have been anally perforated by deviant old men who wander around in robes all day, telling you how bad a person you are even as your son is sucking on their dongles. But you must secretly like the idea of old men violating your babies.

Or you wouldn't keep exposing them to these horrible people. I mean c'mon, State Sanctioned Pedophile Club! They get a tax exemption to aid and abet the reprehensible child-raping filth in their ranks, and you donate money to them. You sit there and let them judge you weekly. You let them brainwash your families to become them! You sickening twits.

It's too bad the world is so heavily overpopulated, thus watering down the intelligence quotient of the human race, or maybe you could see this. Instead you let these monsters into your lives and support them. You may as well cut out the middlemen and rape your own slack-jawed children, because you're 100% complicit every time you give a church money.

Just think, every time you tithe: how much of this money is going to pay the legal fees of a pedophile in my community?

This anti-religious rant (yeah, not my first, and probably not the last) has been brought to you by the letter Epsilon and the number 6,825,356,182 (your current population as of the second this was gibbered).

So perhaps you find yourself wondering why I'm so angry about the vast numbers of people sucking up my valuable air? Well the answer is simple. How am I supposed to reproduce (theoretically, some day, mind you) if you brain hogs keep occupying all the intellect? The Pool of Brains is at a deficit and if I am to concoct new life I need to free up some.

So you know, before I can retire to my island and start producing my lovely, smart clones of myself, I need to end some of you. A whole lot of you, in fact. And you know it's hard to get rid of a few billion people in one sitting, particularly when I can't really be bothered to get out of this chair. So I am going to start investing in biochemical warfare.

At least, if China doesn't poison itself to death in the next twenty years. I suppose then, if that fails to go down, I'll get to it and start with the genocides. But what country to start with? Hmm... 'The Vatican' sounds promising. Full of old perverts and genetic freaks that have been hoarding a disproportionate share of humanity's intellect for far, far too long.

Of course, we're talking about the criminal organization that burned Galileo at the stake, for insisting the world is not flat. So perhaps I'm giving them too much credit. But you see, it's not mass murder. I'm like a modern day Robin Hood. I steal brain power from the undeserving and give it back to the wee youths yet to be born. I'm going to be a hero.

Medically Malcontent.

July 6, 2008

As you can see, I have not updated this thing in awhile. For the three of you actually paying attention, this site is more of a 'ramble when I feel the need' resource, and not a 'twitter every time I poop' sort of thing. I hope life isn't empty without listening to my incoming irrational bile on a regular basis, but you know, I've still got plenty to go around.

I suppose a large part of the problem is that I'm still trying to sort out some of my feelings regarding some of the recent catastrophes here. And I don't mean the three tornadoes that hit last month here in town - those all managed to narrowly miss us, even if only by a few hundred yards here and there, but I can chalk those up to 'near misses'.

See, my aunt just passed here a few days back, complications from cancer and all that. Though from what I heard from the doctors and relatives the 'complications' only got worse once my cousin talked her out of getting treatment - which was sort of inexplicable, considering that the previous time she had a bit of cancer they worked on her just fine.

So it seemed rather suspect to me, and the relatives involved have been awfully weird on the subject so I'm still not sure what to think. I like to think I just don't have the whole story but from the looks of it things went south for no good reason and... it's hard for me to forgive something like this. Especially since this isn't the first time it's happened in our family.

I've had two other relatives die of cancer precisely because of the same thing - idiot family talking them out of the treatment that would give them a good chance of surviving. I don't get what the hell is wrong with these people but hell, I'll take a 1% chance to live if it beats the alternative. I mean, I'm not planning on 98 virgins waiting for me when I die.

I can't seem to get my hands on one here.

This is why I'm making myself go to the doctor tomorrow. As it turns out I'll probably be needing another operation imminently, though astoundingly enough it's not for my dick. I know that should amaze the lot of you, having had to have five operations on that damn thing already, but oddly enough, it's for something else entirely. I seem to have a hernia.

I've kinda known it was there for awhile but it seems to be causing me problems of late. You know, like stabby pain every time I eat now, and the whole 'oddly swelling even though I'm losing weight' thing. I've lost 13 pounds but look larger than before. So something is clearly amiss and it seems to be adding up. Thus, I'm getting the ball rolling on that.

Because unlike some of my relatives, I'm not about to just let some ignorant idiot talk me out of getting proper medical care. So if I'm gone a week, that may be why. Of course it's hard to say 'cause that also may mean I've just found some new distracting shiny and can't be bothered to gripe about things on here. Or heck, why not both? Mmm, shiny things.

Who knows, maybe if they use some obscure one-shot expensive device I'll get to keep it this time. When they operated on my dick they used a weird camera/light/knife/catheter torture device on me that they can only use once for weird reasons that I don't get. They seem to re-use the thingies that sort out plasma from multiple folks, but not the Medical Toilet Snake?

But I bought one of the goddamn things and didn't even get to see the thing. Lousy crooks. I want that as a damn trophy. 'Look, this was chopping bits off of my bits.' Perhaps whatever terror implement they'll use to scoop up my intestines and put them back where they belong... hm. Yes, that's a fun mental picture isn't it? Sit and Spin on that when you think of I.